Studying Away and Business

Sonoma State University students are encouraged to study away as a part of their academic experience! Studying away is where a student takes academic courses in another location, either in another state or territory in the United States through the National Student Exchange program, or abroad through various SSU study abroad programs, including CSU International Programs. SSU students can choose from a variety of semester and yearlong study away programs across the globe while taking classes toward graduation and using their financial aid. For more information on programs and locations available, and for information on the application process to study away, students should contact the SSU Global Engagement Office.

Pre-business or other students wishing to declare Business as a major can study away their sophomore year to take Business major pre-requisite courses. Students who have already declared their Business major can take upper-division business courses their junior year. Business majors can study away the Fall semester of their senior year as well, but should keep in mind that they must complete their Business Senior Capstone Course at SSU. Below are two example four-year plans for pre-business/non-declared and business major students to study away while staying on track for graduating in four years.

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with Study Away Sophomore Year

Freshman Year: 33-34 Units

Avoid Upper-Division GE until junior year. Computer Competency Requirement should be met by the end of the first semester in the sophomore year, and is encouraged to be met in Freshman year for students intending to study away sophomore year. Select a lab with one GE Area B course; select an Ethnic Studies/Critical Race Studies course in GE Areas C, D, or E. Students interested in foreign language immersion study away programs or language minors/double majors should begin taking language courses as soon as possible, and a Freshman Learning Community (FLC) is encouraged. Students should also aim to take the American Institutions (GE Area D) and CA Government (POLS 200 - GE Area D) Overlay Graduation Requirements in their Freshman year.

Fall Semester (16-17 Units)

  • ENGL 101 - Expository Writing and Analytical Reading Unit(s): 3
  • MATH 131 - Introduction to Finite Mathematics Unit(s): 3 OR
  • MATH 161 - Differential and Integral Calculus I Unit(s): 4
  • FLC GE Area C2: Arts Credits / Units: 3
  • GE Area B1/B2 + B3: Life Science + Laboratory Activity Credits / Units: 4
  • GE Area D: Social Sciences Credits / Units: 3

 Spring Semester (17 Units)

  • ECON 205 - Introduction to Microeconomics Unit(s): 4
  • BUS 225 - Legal Environment of Business Unit(s): 4
  • FLC GE Area A3: Critical Thinking Credits / Units: 3
  • GE Area A1: Oral Communication Credits / Units: 3
  • GE Area B (B1 or B2) Credits / Units: 3

 Sophomore Year (Studying Away): 33 Units

Computer Competency Requirement should be met by the end of the first semester in the sophomore year. While studying away, students will often have the option to take language and cultural courses. These classes often count as GE courses, particularly Area C2.

Fall Semester (17 Units)

  • ECON 204 - Introduction to Macroeconomics Unit(s): 4
  • BUS 211 - Business Statistics Unit(s): 4 OR
  • MATH 165 - Elementary Applied Statistics Unit(s): 4 OR
  • BUS 230A - Financial Accounting Unit(s): 4
  • GE Credits / Units: 3
  • GE/Elective Credits / Units: 3
  • GE/Elective Credits / Units: 3

Spring Semester (16 Units)

  • BUS 230B - Managerial Accounting Unit(s): 4
  • GE Credits / Units: 3
  • GE Credits / Units: 3
  • GE/Elective Credits / Units: 3
  • GE/Elective Credits / Units: 3

 Junior Year: 30-33 Units*

Take the WEPT or enroll in a Writing Intensive Course (WIC).

Fall Semester (14-16 Units)

  • UD BUS Core**
  • UD BUS Core
  • UD GE  OR
  • Elective

 Spring Semester (16-17 Units)

  • UD BUS Core
  • UD BUS Core
  • BUS Concentration
  • UD GE 

 Senior Year: 30-31 Units

Apply for graduation at beginning of senior year.

Fall Semester (15-16 Units)

  • UD BUS Core
  • UD BUS Core
  • BUS Concentration
  • BUS Concentration
  • GE or Elective (if needed)

Spring Semester (15-16 Units)

  • BUS 491 - Seminar in Management Strategy and Policy Unit(s): 4 ***
  • BUS Concentration Credits / Units: 3
  • BUS Concentration Credits / Units: 3
  • UD GE Credits / Units: 3
  • Elective (if needed) Credits / Units: 3

 Total Units: 120

*Completion of all Pre-Business requirements is the prerequisite for any upper-division Business class.
**Students should take BUS 344 in their first semester in the Business major if they are planning to complete the Management concentration; 360 first for the Marketing concentration; 370 first for the Finance or Financial Management concentration.
***BUS 491 is designed to be taken in the last semester of the program (prerequisites: all 300-level Business Core courses and submission of graduation application.)


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with Study Away Junior Year

Freshman Year: 33-34 Units

Avoid Upper-Division GE until junior year Computer Competency Requirement should be met by the end of the first semester in the sophomore year. Students interested in foreign language immersion study away programs or language minors/double majors should begin taking language courses as soon as possible.

Fall Semester (15-16 Units)

  • ENGL 101 - Expository Writing and Analytical Reading Unit(s): 3
  • ECON 204 - Introduction to Macroeconomics Unit(s): 4
  • MATH 131 - Introduction to Finite Mathematics Unit(s): 3 OR
  • MATH 161 - Differential and Integral Calculus I Unit(s): 4
  • FLC GE Area C2: Arts Credits / Units: 3

Spring Semester (18 Units)

  • ECON 205 - Introduction to Microeconomics Unit(s): 4
  • BUS 211 - Business Statistics Unit(s): 4 OR
  • MATH 165 - Elementary Applied Statistics Unit(s): 4 OR
  • ECON 217 - Statistics for Economics and Business Unit(s): 4
  • FLC GE Area A3: Critical Thinking Credits / Units: 3
  • GE Area A1: Oral Communication Credits / Units: 3
  • GE Area D: Social Sciences Credits / Units: 3

Sophomore Year: 30-32 Units

Select a lab with one GE Area B course; select an Ethnic Studies (i.e., Critical Race Studies) course for GE Areas C, D, or E Computer Competency Requirement should be met by the end of the first semester in the sophomore year.

Fall Semester (15-16 Units)

  • BUS 230A - Financial Accounting Unit(s): 4
  • GE Credits / Units: 3
  • GE Credits / Units: 3
  • GE Credits / Units: 3
  • Elective Credits / Units: 3

Spring Semester (15-16 Units)

  • BUS 230B - Managerial Accounting Unit(s): 4
  • BUS 225 - Legal Environment of Business Unit(s): 4
  • GE Area B2 + B3: Life Science + Laboratory Activity Credits / Units: 4
  • GE Credits / Units: 3

Junior Year: 30-33 Units*

Students usually meet the GWAR graduation requirement in their junior year, and study away students will be able to take the WEPT online while studying away. Students could also take the WEPT or enroll in a Writing Intensive Course (WIC) their Senior year at SSU. Students should take BUS 344 in their first semester in the Business major if they are planning to complete the Management concentration; 360 first for the Marketing concentration; 370 first for the Finance or Financial Management concentration.

Fall Semester (15-16 Units)

  • BUS 316 - Operations and Supply Chain Management Unit(s): 3-4
  • BUS 344 - Organizational Behavior Unit(s): 3-4
  • BUS Concentration Credits / Units: 3-4
  • Upper Division GE (C or D) Credits / Units: 3-4
  • Elective Credits / Units: 3-4

Spring Semester (15-16 Units)

  • BUS 360 - Introduction to Marketing Unit(s): 3-4
  • BUS 370 - Introduction to Managerial Finance Unit(s): 3-4
  • BUS Concentration Credits / Units: 3-4
  • Upper Division GE (C or D) Credits / Units: 3-4
  • Elective Credits / Units: 3-4

Senior Year: 27-32 Units

Apply for graduation at beginning of senior year.

Fall Semester (14-18 Units)

  • BUS 319 - Introduction to MIS Unit(s): 4
  • BUS 320 - Business Data Analysis and Interpretation Unit(s): 4
  • BUS Concentration Credits / Units: 3
  • Upper Division GE (B) Credits / Units: 3
  • GE or Elective (if needed)

Spring Semester (13-14 Units)

  • BUS 491 - Seminar in Management Strategy and Policy Unit(s): 4 **
  • BUS Concentration Credits / Units: 3
  • BUS Concentration Credits / Units: 3
  • GE or Elective Credits / Units: 3-4

Total Units: 120

*Completion of all Pre-Business requirements is the prerequisite for any upper-division Business class. Specific course requirements on study away programs can vary.
**BUS 491 is designed to be taken in the last semester of the program (prerequisites: all 300-level Business Core courses and submission of graduation application.)