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Minor in Business Administration


If you're not looking to major in business, but know that a general knowledge of business practices will support your career, then you should consider earning a minor from the Department of Business Administration.

Requirements for the Minor in Business Administration

The Minor in Business Administration consists of 5 required courses (total of 20 units).

The 200-level course must be completed with a grade of C or better in order to be eligible to enroll in the 300-level courses. A student must meet the prerequisites to be eligible to take the chosen upper-division Business course. 

  • BUS 230A Financial Accounting (4) (Or, their transfer equivalents, as approved by the department chair)

The 300-level courses can be completed in any order and MUST be completed at Sonoma State University. These three courses will give you an understanding of how organizations are run, how they present themselves and their products/services (marketing), and how they manage their money (finance). 

  • BUS 344 Organizational Behavior (4)
  • BUS 360 Introduction to Marketing (4)
  • BUS 370 Introduction to Managerial Finance (4)
  • Upper-Division Business Elective (4)**

**Students whose ARR plan indicates a requirement (Catalog) Term of Spring 2019 or prior are NOT required to take an elective. Instead, you must take BUS230B to satisfy lower division requirements for the minor.

Who Can Declare a Minor in Business Administration

Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.50 in order to apply for the Business minor. 

Students looking to declare must have enough time left before graduation to complete the five required courses. Business minor students will usually take only one of the above courses per semester. However, students are allowed to take two business courses in one semester subject to seat availability.

Courses can be taken during the regular academic semesters and/or during summer and winter intersession.

How to Declare a Minor in Business Administration

Students must complete the Change of Major/Minor form to declare and add a Minor in Business Administration.

Change of Major/Minor Form

  • You will need to fill out the Change of Major online form (an AdobeSign PDF) that is linked below. It will be automatically routed for approval and processing once submitted.
  • Please review these instructions for completing the form:
    • In the "Adding a Major/Minor" section, select "Minor". Then select "business" from the New Program dropdown menu that appears.
    • For Catalog Year, please enter the year when you declare the Business Minor.
    • For the advisor, please list Dr. Kathryn Chang,
  • Once the form is complete and digitally signed by the student, it will automatically submit and be routed to the SSU Records Office for approvals.

Access the Change of Major/Minor Form

How to Register for Courses

Lower Division Course (BUS 230A)

  • Those listed as Business Minors on their ARR (check your MYSSU) can register starting the Monday of the 2nd week of registration.
  • The course will be open to everyone starting the Monday of the 3rd week of registration.

Note: It takes up to two weeks to process your declaration, so don't count on registering during the 2nd week if you apply within two weeks of the start of registration.

Upper Division Courses (BUS 344, BUS 360, BUS 370, and upper-division business elective)

  • Complete a Request to Take an Upper Division Business Administration Course form, and email it to the School of Business Main Office at before or during the first week of registration.  

Access the Minor Request to Take Upper Division Business Form

  • Do not forget to provide options, in case the section requested does not have room. We need the options and your preferred order to easily find a section or another class that works for you.
  • A staff member will contact you on the Monday of the 2nd week of registration with a permission number for your course. If none of your options are open, contact the Minor Advisor to find something that moves you forward and fits in your schedule.

Minor Advising

The Academic Advisor for the Business Administration Minor is Dr. Kathryn Chang. 

  • If you have no questions, please complete and submit the online forms required.
  • If you have questions, please email Dr. Chang directly. 

The School of Business offers a minor in Business Administration (20 units).