Adele Santana, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Management, Sonoma MBA

(707) 664-3193
Stevenson 2507About
Dr. Adele Santana teaches the Leading Sustainable Enterprise course as part of the Sonoma MBA for Professional and Sonoma MBA in Wine Business programs. She will also serve as instructor for the Seminar in Management Strategy and Policy for undergraduate studies. Prior to teaching, Santana worked as an independent consultant in organizational behavior and development.
- University of Pittsburgh - Ph.D. in Business Administration
- Fundação Getúlio Vargas – EAESP (Brazil) - M.S. in Business Administration
- Fundação Getúlio Vargas – EAESP (Brazil) - Graduate Degree Lato Sensu
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica de (Brazil) - B.E. in Civil Engineering
Selected Publications & Presentations
- Santana, A. and Hultman, S. (2017) Aquamariner Project: A Path for Self-Reliance? in Miesing, P. and Aggestam, M. (Eds.) Educating Social Entrepreneurs: From Business Plan Formulation to Implementation, Volume II. BEP Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Collection. New York, NY: Business Expert Press, pp. 77-86.
- Princen, T. and Santana, A., 2015. Exit Strategies. In Thomas Princen, Jack P. Manno and Pamela L. Martin (Eds.), Ending the Fossil Fuel Era. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 311-331.
- Santana, A., 2015. Disentangling the knot: Variable mixing of four motivations for firm’s use of social practices. Business and Society, v. 54(6), pp. 763-793.
- Santana, A., 2014. Firm size and ownership structure: Effects on motivations for use of business community involvement practices. Business and Society Review, v. 19 (2), pp. 277-296.
- Santana, A. 2012. Three elements of stakeholder legitimacy. Journal of Business Ethics, v.105 (2), pp. 257-265.