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Kyuho Lee, Ph.D.

Marketing, Wine Business, & Operations Management Area Chair | Professor, Marketing

Kyuho Lee, Ph.D.


(707) 664-2160


Stevenson 2604


Dr. Kyuho Lee is an assistant professor of marketing at Sonoma State University.  Specializing in the study of brand management, consumer behavior, hospitality, and tourism management, Lee brings a wide array of knowledge to his students.  His experience includes teaching brand management for the professional and Executive MBA programs at Sonoma State, as well as having his works published in leading academic journals such as The Journal of Retailing and Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. He published a book entitled Strategic Winery Tourism and Management in September 2015.


  • Virginia Tech - Ph.D. in Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Florida International University - M.S. in Hospitality & Food Service Management


  • Certificate in Case Method Teaching Seminar, Harvard Business School, Harvard University
  • Certificate in Strategic Data-Driven Marketer, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
  • Certificate in Brand Management, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Selected Publications & Presentations

  • Lee, K. (Editor). Strategic Winery Tourism and Management: Building Competitive Winery Tourism and Winery Management Strategy, Apple Academic Press, NJ.
  • Lee, K., Khan, M., Ha, I., & Ko, J. (in press). Exploring the impacts of McService on customers’ loyalty: An emerging market’s perspective. Journal of Foodservice Business Research.
  • Lee,K., Madanoglu, M., & Ko, K. (2016). Exploring key service quality dimensions at a winery from an emerging market’s perspective. British Food Journal, 118(12), 2981-2996.
  • Jacques, P., Garger, J., Lee, K., & Ko, J. (2015). Authentic leadership on the frontline and its effects on Korean Restaurant Employees. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 18(4), 389-493.
  • Lee, K., & Ha, I. (2014). From Biltmore Estate to Biltmore Winery. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 17(5), 429-438.
  • Lee, K., & Ha, I. (2014). How do economic recessions affect the U.S. restaurant industry? Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 17(4), 353-362.
  • Lee, K., Madanoglu, M., & Ko, J. (2013). Developing a competitive international service strategy: a case of an international joint venture in a global service industry. Journal of Services Marketing, 27(3), 245-255.