Master Syllabi
Undergraduate Syllabi MBA Syllabi EMBA Syllabi
Undergraduate Courses
BUS 225 - Legal Environment of Business
BUS 230A - Principles of Accounting (Financial)
BUS 230B - Principles of Accounting (Managerial)
BUS 316 - Production Operations Management
BUS 319 - Introduction to Management Information Systems
BUS 330A - Intermediate Accounting
BUS 330B - Intermediate Accounting
BUS 335 - Ethical Reasoning in Accounting
BUS 340 - Survey of Human Resource Management
BUS 344 - Organizational Behavior
BUS 360 - Introduction to Marketing
BUS 368 - International Marketing
BUS 370 - Introduction to Managerial Finance
BUS 377 - Financial Institutions and Markets
BUS 433a - Individual Taxation
BUS 433b - Corporation and Estate Taxation
BUS 446 - Government Regulation and Human Resources
BUS 451 - Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management
BUS 453 - Small Business Analysis
BUS 461 - Promotion Management
BUS 463 - Sales Management and Personal Setting
BUS 464W - Production, Operations and Distribution (Wine)
BUS 467W - Wine E-Commerce and Direct Sales
BUS 469 - Marketing Management
BUS 473 - International Finance
BUS 474 - Computer Applications in Finance
BUS 491 - Seminar in Management Strategy and Policy
Sonoma MBA Courses
BUS 516 - Operations Management
BUS 519 - Management Information Systems
BUS 535 - Cost Analysis and Control
BUS 540 - Strategic Human Resource Management
BUS 545W - Global Wine Business
BUS 547W - Wine Legal and Regulatory Issues
BUS 552 - Leadership and Innovation
BUS 555W - Sustainability in the Wine & Hospitality Industry
BUS 560 - Seminar in Marketing Management
BUS 565W - Marketing & Sales Strategies for Wine
BUS 570 - Seminar in Managerial Finance
BUS 580 - Business Intelligence
BUS 591 - Seminar in Strategic Management
BUS 592 - Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation
BUS 593 - International Business