Inclusive Excellence

The mission of School of Business at Sonoma State University (SSU) is to create extraordinary learning experiences for our students, and to advance best business practices in the North Bay and beyond.
Inclusive Excellence is the School of Business' guiding principle for access, student success, and high-quality learning. We seek to address diversity, inclusion, and equity as critical to the well-being of a democratic culture.
In the School of Business (SB), we recognize our community's success rests on how the SB values, engages, and includes our diverse students, faculty, staff, and alumni. We aim to create an inclusive, supportive space where our community is inspired to action through business and economics for positive professional and community impact.
In pursuit of this inclusive excellence initiative, the School of Business has adopted the Association of American Colleges & University's Making Excellence Inclusive core principles of diversity, inclusion, and equity.
Read the School of Business Inclusive Excellence Task Force's Mission Statement
A Highlight of Inclusive Excellence initiatives in the School of Business at SSU
- Mentor Program: A peer mentor program that connects upper division students with first generation, first year business students.
- Wine Industry Scholars Program (WISP): This scholarship program is dedicated to supporting the access, retention, and graduation of first-generation students from economically and socially disadvantaged backgrounds. WISP offers approximately $150,000 in scholarships annually to students who are children of vineyard and winery workers.
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation: With generous support from the Kalmanovitz Foundation, the SB provides support for students, particularly those who are first-generation and of underserved populations, who want to start their own business, by turning their ideas into a viable opportunity.
- Education Opportunity Program (EOP): We partner with EOP to connect with first-year first-year students, particularly undeclared students, when they are making the critical decision of choosing a major. Faculty, staff, and administrators meet with students to help students determine the best path forward.