This paper tests the existence of political credit cycles, the positive comovement between credit and elections.
The purpose of this essay is to examine these two contradictory ideas through the life of a sixty-one-year-old, lifelong baseball fan.
This paper examines and analyzes the average ERA in major-league baseball each season between 1871 and 2019.
In this study, we review the body of literature on this topic and analyze the relationships between two types of human capital—general and specific human capital, the ability to generate new venture ideas, and the attractiveness of opportunities.
We test the hypotheses that the “prominence” of a CVC firm and the presence of a “prior investment” in the portfolio firm serve as endorsements and the acquiring firms, as endorsers, earn positive financial returns.
This study investigates the link between perceived public support for entrepreneurship and individuals' entrepreneurial intention.
The results of the study reveal that service quality at a winery is a significant determinant of winery satisfaction among Chinese wine tourists, which in turn affects the brand equity of a wine tourism destination.
Using the synthetic counterfactual methodology developed by Abadie and Gardeazabal (2003), I estimate what would have happened to inequality in both gross and net income within euro-area countries, had these countries not switched to the single currency.
Current research favors diversity within strategic networks as a source of idea generation and opportunity pursuit. However, diversity may not always be advantageous.
Stringent bankruptcy laws are generally understood to increase the costs of failure and thus not conducive for entrepreneurship.